When it comes to skincare, we’re all about keeping our eyes on the prize with healthy habits—like plenty of beauty sleep, lots of water, and staying out of the sun. But did you know that some of the most everyday actions—and even involuntary reactions—can cause wear and tear on the delicate eye area? Our research shows that these eye micromovements, like constant blinking, squinting, and smiling, can stretch and strain thin eye skin. And, over time, the dynamic lines that these movements create can eventually set up shop as a permanent wrinkle.
Now we’re not hating on wrinkles; those laugh lines are signs of a life well-lived. But just as our bodies need water and sleep to function at their peak, the fragile eye area needs a special kind of TLC, too. Check out our demo video, above, which uses gauze to simulate the impact these everyday micromovements have on this vulnerable spot. Then see how Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Matrix acts as a “shock absorber” to help cushion and fortify. The prize? Radiant, strong, nourished eyes that can continue to live their best lives.